Domestic Violence

The London Child Protection Procedures Safeguarding Children Affected by Domestic Abuse and Violence should be followed by all practitioners; The guidance is available here.

Sutton's DV One Stop Shop

Sutton's DV One Stop Shop provides advice and support to any Sutton resident experiencing domestic violence or abuse. It is a free drop-in service where you can speak to an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA), Police Officer, Citizen's Advice Bureau Officer, and other professionals. They will provide you with information about your options and will not force you to take any steps you aren't ready for.

One Stop Shop details:

Open: Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30

Address: Sutton Baptist Church, 21 Cheam Road, Sutton, SM1 1SN

Telephone: 0207 801 1777

For information to professionals about DV services or MARAC referrals please contact:

Adam French – DV Lead, London Borough of Sutton

Telephone: 0208 770 6709


MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference):

The MARAC discusses the top 10% highest-risk cases in the borough.

All clients discussed at MARAC will be supported by an Independent Domestic Violence Adviser (IDVA).

Email referrals to:


On Friday 1st November Sutton Council launched its new domestic abuse service, which will be taken forward by the Transform Partnership. Transform is led by Cranstoun, a charity with over 50 years’ experience of empowering people to live healthy, safe and happy lives. Transform brings together a variety of local organisations with skills and experience in domestic abuse, for more information see leaflet below and visit the council's website. 

If you would like more information about local domestic abuse services in Sutton please contact:


To make a referral please click here