Mental Health
Mental health issues can affect anyone. Mental health is just like physical health, nobody chooses to have health issues but with the right support you can get better. Issues may include eating disorders, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, self-harm etc.
Mental health is about how you feel about yourself, how happy you are, how you feel about interacting with other people, how much you feel you can overcome challenges. Feeling up and down is normal but it may become a problem if you feel down, stressed or anxious most of the time. It is possible you might have a mental health issue and require support to get better.
In this section you will find links to organisations that will give you information on many types of mental illness and support services available to you.
For further information please go to:
Telephone/online support:
Samaritans on 116 123 email
Off the Record Online counselling service for young people aged 11-25 in Sutton. Sign up at
‘The Mix’ – support for young people under 25 inc. telephone 0808 808 4994,
Chat & crisis messenger text service