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Child criminal exploitation

Source: NSPCC Learning

Date: 24 June 2024

NSPCC Learning has published a blog as part of the Why language matters series on why it’s important for professionals to consider the language they use when talking about child criminal exploitation. The blog explores how the terms ‘recruited’ and ‘working’ minimise children’s experiences of criminal exploitation. It also discusses how professionals can approach the topic of criminal exploitation with other professionals and the children they work with.

Read the blog post: Why language matters: how using terms like ‘recruited’ and ‘working’ minimise children’s experiences of criminal exploitation

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Children’s residential care

Source: Guardian

Date: 16 June 2024

The Guardian has published a news story on children’s homes in England. An Observer analysis of government data shows a decline in the number of places in council-run children’s homes and an increased reliance on privately run provision. The article highlights some concerns about the decline in the number of council-managed residential children’s homes, such as children needing to be placed further away from their families.

Read the news story: Places in council-run children’s homes in England fall by third as private firms take over  

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Child sexual abuse

Source: ACAMH

Date: 17 June 2024

The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) has published a blog post about sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour among children and young people. The blog looks at evidence-based approaches and prevention strategies such as comprehensive sexual education and community-based programmes.

Read the article: Sexual abuse in children and young people: evidence-based approaches

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Multi-agency working and information sharing: learning from case reviews

Summary of key issues and learning for improved practice around multi-agency working and information sharing

Publication date April 2024
Source: NSPCC

Multi-agency working and information sharing are key to effective safeguarding and child protection.1 Perennial issues around practice in both these areas have been identified in case reviews and inquiries, including in the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel’s (the Panel’s) 2022/23 annual report.2

> Read our summary of the Panel’s annual report 2022/23

This learning from case reviews briefing looks at a sample of case reviews, published by local safeguarding partnerships between 2017 and 2023, where there were issues around multi-agency working and information sharing.

Each professional working with a family brings their own knowledge, insight and perspective. However, the case reviews highlighted that professionals sometimes face challenges around:

  • why information is being shared with them, and what to do with it
  • when they can share information with others
  • how to work collaboratively and communicate clearly
  • other professionals’ roles and safeguarding responsibilities.

Good practice involves professionals from different agencies taking joint responsibility for finding effective ways of working together, making joint decisions where possible, and actively seeking and providing information.


Download the briefing

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Child sexual abuse

Source: Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Date: 30 May 2024

The Lucy Faithfull Foundation has published a paper on links between adult pornography and online child sexual abuse. The Foundation works with people who pose risks to children online and offline and the paper shares case examples of adult pornography contributing to the viewing of illegal sexual images of children. The paper looks at some reasons behind pornography use and discusses how to prevent online child sexual abuse.

Read the paper: Time to talk about porn: the link between viewing legal adult pornography and online child sexual abuse