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Mandatory Reporting for CSA and other news

The NSPCC has provided the following items of interest regarding Child Sexual Abuse.


Mandatory reporting

Source: Home Office

Date: 09 May 2024

The Government has published its response to the consultation on introducing a mandatory duty in England to report child sexual abuse. It summarises themes arising from consultation responses, sets out proposals for the new duty, and outlines next steps. The Government intends to introduce the duty as an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill.

Read the report via the NSPCC: Government response to Child sexual abuse: mandatory reporting consultation  
See the bill on Criminal Justice Bill, as amended (PDF) (at report stage)



‘Self-generated’ child sexual abuse material

Source: Internet Matters 

Date: 03 May 2024

Internet Matters has published a report on preventing ‘self-generated’ child sexual abuse material among 11- to 13-year-olds. The research included a literature review and panel discussions with 11- to 17-year-olds around effective messaging to help deter children from creating and sharing sexual images. Key findings include: many children said there were barriers to learning due to how they were taught about sexual image-sharing in school, with smaller, gender-based group work preferred; and most were supportive of peer learning approaches, learning though games, and learning from those with lived experience on social media.

Download the report: Preventing ‘self-generated’ child sexual abuse  

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Free live webinar: Unpacking Complex Trauma

The UK Trauma Council has developed a live webinar series providing expert insights into important trauma-related areas affecting children and young people.


Free live webinarUnpacking Complex Trauma

Thursday May 16, 2024, 05:00 PM – 06:30 PM BST 

The UKTC’s online event will explore what complex trauma means, how it might be defined, and considering the impact on children and young people. Through short presentations, the speakers will present different dimensions of complex trauma from perspectives such as systemic, structural, cognitive and neuroscience. This will be followed by a panel discussion.

The live event is aimed at professionals supporting children and young people who have experienced trauma.

Book a free place via this link

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Parent infant relationships

Parent-infant relationships: starting conversations (practitioner guide)

Guidance for frontline practitioners to explore a parent or carer’s relationship with their baby, and identify parent-infant relationship difficulties.


The Department of Health and Social Care has published guidance to help frontline practitioners in England explore parent/carer and infant relationships. The guidance is aimed at social workers, health visitors and family support workers. It includes conversation prompts and sets out a framework to help identify parent-infant relationship difficulties.

Read the guidance: Parent-infant relationships: starting conversations (practitioner guide)

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Child criminal exploitation

Action for Children has published a review of child criminal exploitation across the UK. The review explores the scale and nature of the criminal exploitation of children and includes insight from the lived experiences of children, parents and professionals. Key learning highlights: the need for a clear and consistent definition of the criminal exploitation of children; tensions between the criminal justice system and child protection, with the criminalisation of exploited children ; and difficulties in identifying, preventing and responding to exploitation. The review calls for a single, cohesive legal code designed to tackle the criminal exploitation of children.

Read the review: Shattered lives, stolen futures: the Jay review of criminally exploited children  

See also on NSPCC Learning 
Protecting children from county lines

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Child neglect statistics

Source: NSPCC Learning

Date: 14 March 2024

NSPCC Learning has published a new statistics briefing on child neglect. It looks at data and statistics about child neglect in the UK to help professionals make evidence-based decisions, covering the scale of the issue and what data tells us about children who have been neglected.
Read/Download the briefing: Neglect: statistics briefing

See also on NSPCC Learning 
Protecting children from neglect