Intrafamilial child sexual abuse

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Source: Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

Date published: 26 November 2024

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel has published a national review into child sexual abuse within the family environment – “I wanted them all to notice”. The report draws on rapid reviews and serious case reviews featuring intrafamilial child sexual abuse; interviews with children who had been sexually abused; interviews with people who had sexually abused a child; and group discussion with practitioners, senior leaders and people with lived experience of child sexual abuse. The report highlights the importance of hearing children’s voices, understanding the needs of parents, recognising the signs of child sexual abuse and responding effectively. It sets out ten national recommendations and six recommendations for local safeguarding partners in England.

Read the press release: Safeguarding experts demand national action plan to tackle child sexual abuse  
Read the review: 
National review into child sexual abuse within the family environment  
Read the CASPAR briefing on NSPCC Learning: 
Summary of the National review into child sexual abuse within the family environment – “I wanted them all to notice”