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Coercive control

Source: NSPCC Learning 

Date: 03 August 2023

NSPCC Learning has published a Helplines insight briefing on coercive control highlighting its impact on the safety, behaviour, and wellbeing of children. The briefing collates data from contacts to the NSPCC Helpline and Childline in 2022/23. Findings from 01 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 show 4,412 NSPCC Helpline contacts from adults and 1,096 Childline counselling sessions with children and young people whose main concerns were domestic abuse. Contacts included experiences of: threats and coercion; continual emotional mistreatment; and economic and financial abuse.

Read the insight briefing: The impact of coercive control on children and young people 
Read the news story: 1,400 contacts to our Helpline last year were about coercive and controlling behaviour towards children

See also on NSPCC Learning 
Protecting children from domestic abuse

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Child sexual exploitation

Child sexual exploitation

Source: NSPCC Learning 

Date: 24 July 2023

NSPCC Learning has published an updated Learning from case review briefing on child sexual exploitation (CSE). The briefing includes key learning around: identifying children and young people at risk of CSE; recognising and responding to signs of CSE; and the use of victim blaming language. Learning for better practice includes the need for ongoing and child centred support for young people experiencing CSE.

Read the CASPAR briefing: Child sexual exploitation: learning from case reviews

See also on NSPCC Learning 
Protecting children from sexual exploitation

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Information sharing

Source: DfE 

Date: 06 July 2023

The Department for Education (DfE) has published a policy paper on information sharing which explores the barriers and potential enablers to better information sharing in England. Recommendations for improving information sharing include: functioning, joined-up systems across agencies that enable the right data to be used securely by the right people at the right time; an accurate and well maintained ‘golden record’ about a child/family; and confident practitioners who are clear on their roles and responsibilities for sharing and seeking information.

Read the report: Improving multi-agency information sharing

See also on NSPCC Learning 
Multi-agency working  

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Youth Violence

Source: DfE 

Date: 29 June 2023

The Department for Education (DfE) has published reports from its serious youth violence programme in England co-led with the Youth Endowment Fund. The report explores how systems of support may protect or expose children and young people to involvement in serious violence. Key insights include: children and their families are not always aware of the services available to them; access to services such as children’s social care and mental health is limited by capacity constraints; and involving children and young people in decisions about the support they receive helps develop their decision-making skills and may increase engagement. 

Read the reports: Serious youth violence research programme


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Information sharing

Source: DfE

Date: 21 June 2023

The Department for Education (DfE) has launched a consultation on revising non-statutory advice to support practitioners in the processes of sharing information in England. The consultation aims to gather perspectives on how to make the advice clear and easy to understand so that practitioners feel confident in sharing safeguarding information effectively and appropriately. It closes on 06 September 2023.

Find out more: Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners

See also on NSPCC Learning 
Recognising and responding to abuse