Parents & Carers

Safeguarding is not only about protecting children from abuse and neglect. It is also about doing what is best for children to ensure that they are provided with opportunities to become successful adults.

Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility and children have a right to be safe in all environments, for example, at home, school, on the street and even on the internet.

This part of the website is especially relevant if you are a parent responsible for a child, a carer who works closely with children or are just an active member of the community

If you are concerned about your child / young person's emotional well being, please contact the Sutton Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Single Point of Access (SPA) on 020 3513 3800 (option 1) and ask to speak to the duty clinician, who will be available 9am-5pm to discuss any concerns. 

Keeping Children Safe online

Here are links to help parents keep children safe online: 

Private Fostering