Quality Assurance and Learning Improvement Framework
It is a requirement for all Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships (LSCP) under Working Together (2018) to have a Learning and Improvement Framework (LIF) which is shared across local organisations who work with children and families. It should enable organisations to be clear about their responsibilities, to learn from experience and improve services as a result, covering the full range of reviews and audits which are aimed at driving improvements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
In Sutton, the LIF has a LSCP multi-agency learning and improvement plan which is based on the LSCP business plan and incorporates recommendations from recent Local Safeguarding Child Practice Reviews (LSCPRs) and National LCSPRs.
The LIF is owned by the LSCP Learning and Improvement Subgroup and endorsed by the LSCP Quality Assurance (QA) Subgroup. It applies to all LSCP partners and child safeguarding partnership working although some areas are specifically for individual agencies. It has objectives, clarifies expectations about roles and responsibilities and outlines the approach, methods and activities that will be undertaken to implement local learning and improvement priorities.