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Child safeguarding incidents

Source: NSPCC Learning

Date published: 06 January 2025 

NSPCC Learning has published a CASPAR briefing summarising the recent Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel’s annual report, which looked at the child safeguarding system in England, based on serious child safeguarding incidents occurring between April 2023 and March 2024. The CASPAR briefing summarises: the context and challenges in the safeguarding and child protection system; data from rapid reviews; spotlight themes and learning for practice; and plans for the Panel’s future work.

Read the CASPAR briefing: Summary of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel annual report 2023/24

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Child safeguarding incidents

Child safeguarding incidents

Source: Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

Date published: 12 December 2024

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel for England has published its 2023/24 annual report. The report analyses data and outlines learning from Serious Incident Notifications, rapid reviews, a sample of local child safeguarding practice reviews, national reviews, thematic analysis and reports. Key themes explored include: safeguarding children with mental health needs; safeguarding pre-school children with parents with mental health needs; and extrafamilial harm. The Panel also sets out its priorities for future work. NSPCC Learning will publish a CASPAR briefing summarising the learning from this report.

Read the press release: ‘Mission-led’ government must centre vulnerable children
Read the report: Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel: annual report 2023 to 2024  

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Intrafamilial child sexual abuse

Source: Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

Date published: 26 November 2024

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel has published a national review into child sexual abuse within the family environment – “I wanted them all to notice”. The report draws on rapid reviews and serious case reviews featuring intrafamilial child sexual abuse; interviews with children who had been sexually abused; interviews with people who had sexually abused a child; and group discussion with practitioners, senior leaders and people with lived experience of child sexual abuse. The report highlights the importance of hearing children’s voices, understanding the needs of parents, recognising the signs of child sexual abuse and responding effectively. It sets out ten national recommendations and six recommendations for local safeguarding partners in England.

Read the press release: Safeguarding experts demand national action plan to tackle child sexual abuse  
Read the review: 
National review into child sexual abuse within the family environment  
Read the CASPAR briefing on NSPCC Learning: 
Summary of the National review into child sexual abuse within the family environment – “I wanted them all to notice” 

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Children with Complex Needs

The Children’s Commissioner for England has published a report detailing the experiences of children with complex needs who have been deprived of their liberty. Interviews were carried out with 15 children with experience of living under a Deprivation of Liberty (DoL) order. Key themes include: all children had experienced significant instability and struggled to get appropriate support before a DoL order was put in place; most children felt there were limited opportunities to have their voices heard and be involved in decisions while living under the order; and most children were in solo placements and were socially isolated. Recommendations include that all children deprived of their liberty should benefit from a statutory framework guaranteeing their rights and setting out the responsibilities of others to promote their welfare. 

Read the report: Children with complex needs who are deprived of liberty: interviews with children to understand their experiences of being deprived of their liberty 

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Public exposure to ‘chilling’ AI child sexual abuse images and videos increases

AI generated child sexual abuse content is increasingly being found on publicly accessible areas of the internet, exposing even more people to the harmful and horrific imagery, says the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF).  

Many of the images and videos of children being hurt and abused are so realistic that they can be very difficult to tell apart from imagery of real children and are regarded as criminal content in the eyes of UK law, much in the same way as ‘traditional’ child sexual abuse material would be1

In the past six months alone, analysts at the IWF have seen a 6% increase in confirmed reports containing AI generated child sexual abuse material, compared with the preceding 12 months2

The IWF, Europe’s largest hotline dedicated to finding and removing child sexual abuse imagery from the internet, is warning that almost all the content (99%)3 was found on publicly available areas of the internet and was not hidden on the dark web. 

Most of the reports have come from members of the public (78%)4 who have stumbled across the criminal imagery on sites such as forums or AI galleries. The remainder were actioned by IWF analysts through proactive searching. 

Analysts say that viewing AI generated content of children being sexually abused can be as distressing as seeing real children in abuse imagery if a person is not prepared or trained to cope with seeing such material. 

Some AI child sexual abuse material is classed as non-photographic imagery, such as cartoons, and is also regarded as harmful to view and accordingly assessed by IWF analysts1

The IWF traces where child sexual abuse content is hosted so that analysts can act to get it swiftly removed. 

More than half of the AI generated content found in the past six months was hosted on servers in two countries, the Russian Federation (36%) and the United States (22%), with Japan and the Netherlands following at 11% and 8% respectively5

Addresses of webpages containing AI generated child sexual abuse images are uploaded on to the IWF’s URL list which is shared with the tech industry to block the sites and prevent people from being able to access or see them. 

The AI images are also hashed – given a special unique code like a digital fingerprint – and tagged as AI on a Hash List of more than two million images which can be used by law enforcement in their investigations. 

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