Child sexual exploitation

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Source: His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS)

Date: 08 December 2023

The HMICFRS has published a report on the effectiveness of the police and law enforcement bodies’ response to group-based child sexual exploitation in England and Wales. Findings include: a lack of a shared clear definition for group-based child sexual exploitation; inconsistency in the quality of criminal investigations; and some examples of victim-blaming language. Recommendations include: adopting the the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse’s (IICSA) definition of an ‘organised network’ for group-based child sexual exploitation; and chief constables should take steps to eradicate victim-blaming language in their forces.

Read/Download the report: An inspection of the effectiveness of the police and law enforcement bodies’ response to group-based child sexual exploitation in England and Wales

Read the press release: Police not doing enough to tackle group-based child sexual exploitation